"Light Haus Meet"
Over 150 calories were burnt by each one :).
A meet..
Bloggers meet..
Chennai Bloggers meet..
Deepak Raghuram initiated it.
Everyone were invited.
Finally,10 attended it.
Gathered around 3 PM.
Heavenly climate.
Including the mercy of Rain Lord.
Joy was unlimited.
Kaapi was kissed by four lips.
Long QQQQ,,,, Awaits.
Meanwhile mini Samosas were murdered by mouths.
No one took lift to reach the Nine Story, Light House.
Pics were taken all around.
Quenched with the beauty of Chennai, we returned down.
Regal 5 went to museum.
Small discussion were made regarding the future meets.
Tata's were exchanged,
Uma madam and her family left for the day.
Virtual citizens and other citizens marched towards the beach.
Welcomed by the waves.
Xtra-ordinary evening it was.
Yelled by the sea waves, we jelled well at the beach.
Pictures courtesty: Shashi sir, BP (CBC'in kalangarai vilakam)